Complete the Growth Track
The Growth Track is designed to help YOU to develop in your walk with Jesus and take next steps in your faith. The Growth Track has 3 main areas designed to help you to fully follow Jesus, grow in your relationship with God, and become a spiritual leader who impacts people around you. Each step has a main class and several supporting workshops.
Step 1: FOLLOW

Follow is all about laying a strong foundation of faith and a following Jesus in a life based on God’s Word. The class explores Jesus calling the first disciples and what it means for us to enter an apprenticeship to Him. We will also provide workshops and groups that begin laying a foundation both for those seeking and for those already committed to follow Jesus.
Step 2: GROW

Growing in your love for God and others is step 2 of our Growth Track. Growing to become more like Christ is a life long endeavor! These classes and workshops are designed to help followers experience God’s presence, freedom, and love. You will learn new practices that allow you to GROW deeper in your faith and GROW to abide in Christ.
Step 3: LEAD

Lead is all about making an impact on people and leading to advance God’s Kingdom. Participants will explore how to impact the world for Christ. We are called to BE Disciple-Makers who join the mission of Jesus to take the gospel to the ends of the earth. All Christians are called to lead through radical love and sacrificial service.