Fountain Student Ministry
Sundays 6:30pm-8pm
Come experience Fountain Student Ministry (6th-12th grades) every Sunday night at Johns Creek Elementary! Each week we have student worship, small groups, fun games, lots of energy and connection. This is designed to help teenagers to find and follow Jesus. Doors open 30 minutes early for games, food, and hangout.

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Sunday Mornings For Students
Sunday Morning Worship
Our Sunday worship services are perfect for students! You’ll experience exciting worship music and engaging messages that are relevant to your life as a teenager.

Join a Serve Team
There are many opportunities for students to serve on our Sunday morning Serve Teams. We also serve in various ways in the community. There’s a place for you! You can learn more about Serve Team opportunities and fill out the Serve Team Interest Survey HERE.

The 7 Checkpoints serve as our foundation and teaching for Fountain Student Ministry. The “checkpoints” are based on biblical principles that are important for students to become fully devoted followers of Jesus.
#1 Authentic Faith
This checkpoint focuses on a correct understanding of faith. Confusion in this one area is the primary reason so many students abandon Christianity. True faith is confidence that God is who He says He is – and confidence that He will do everything He has promised to do.
Principle: God can be trusted; He will do all He has promised to do.
Critical Question: Do you trust God with the critical areas of your life?
Key Passage: Proverbs 3:5-6
#2 Spiritual Discipline
The focus of this checkpoint is on developing a healthy devotional life. The apostle Paul says that true spiritual transformation begins with a renewed mind. Only as we begin to renew our minds according to the truths of Scripture will our attitudes and behavior begin to change.
Principle: When you see as God sees, you will do as God says.
Critical Question: Are you developing a consistent devotional and prayer life?
Key Passage: Romans 12:2
#3 Moral Boundaries
One of the most important things you can teach teenagers to do is to establish clear moral limits. They need to learn how to protect their bodies and emotions by honoring God’s plan for sex and morality. That’s the focus of this checkpoint. The depth of their intimacy with God and others is dependent upon it.
Principle: Purity paves the way to intimacy
Critical Question: Are you establishing and maintaining godly moral boundaries?
Key Passage: 1 Thessalonians 4:3-8
#4 Healthy Friendships
The people we associate with the most will have a direct impact on the decisions we make and the standards we choose. Healthy friendships build us up and draw us closer to God; unhealthy friendships bring us down and cause us to compromise what we know is right. This principle focuses on helping students build healthy friendships while avoiding unhealthy ones.
Principle: Your friends will determine the direction and quality of your life.
Critical Question: Are you establishing healthy friendships and avoiding unhealthy ones?
Key Passage: Proverbs 13:20
#5 Wise Choices
This principle focuses on the necessity of applying godly wisdom to the choices we make. Good decision making is more than simply choosing between right and wrong. We need to learn to ask, “In light of my past experience and my future dreams, what is the wise thing for me to do in this situation?”
Principle: Walk wisely.
Critical Question: Are you making wise choices in every area of your life?
Key Passage: Ephesians 5:15-17
#6 Ultimate Authority
Teenagers often view freedom and authority as opposing concepts. But the Bible teaches that true freedom is found under authority. This principle focuses on our need to recognize God’s ultimate authority and respect the earthly authorities God has placed over us.
Principle: Maximum freedom is found under God’s authority.
Critical Question: Are you submitting to the authorities God has placed over you?
Key Passage: Romans 13:1-2
#7 Others First
In a selfie-centered world, selflessness has to be developed. God designed us, not to live for ourselves, but to love and impact others around us. Jesus shared that in the Great Commandment and the Great Commission. We are to love God, love others, and help make disciples of Jesus. God wants to use you to serve, share your faith, and impact other people for Jesus.
Principle: Consider others before yourself.
Critical Question: Are you putting the needs of others ahead or your own?
Key Passage: Philippians 2:3-11